Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011

Last night Ben was able to hold Trey for the first time. It was a little awkward to get started trying to manage all the tubes and cords but a precious time nonetheless. We both enjoyed talking to him and telling him how much we love him.
Rhett and Leah were not able to meet him yesterday as their immunization records had yet to arrive from the pediatrician's office. They were both so sad and did not want to leave without seeing Baby Trey. Today's the day though and I can't wait to see their reactions.

Momma was anxious to see Baby Trey this morning! When we went down at 8:00 it didn't take long to realize he had made even more improvements since last night. He is off the CPAP and breathing room air all on his own!!! They moved the IV from his scalp to his hand so there are no tubes on his head. He looks great!
We both got more cuddle time this morning and we even tried a little breastfeeding. The nurse told me not to expect much interest from him at 32 weeks but he latch on a few times and even gave 4 or 5 good sucks before pooping out. The nurse and I were both pleased!

Trey's doctor came by to speak with us this morning too. He will have a head sono on day 6 and again on day 28 to monitor for brain bleeds. He was on a spot light for elevated bilirubin, pretty common for preemies. He had had 2 poopy diapers already so things are moving :) He will begin feedings today by N-G tube. Not ready to introduce a bottle yet until we give breastfeeding a go. I have already started pumping...

I am feeling great. Ben keeps telling me not to overdo it. My labor and delivery were so quick that if you didn't know I just had a baby, you wouldn't know I just had a baby. Except for that tummy that is still hanging around.

Thanks for all your prayers. God is faithful and it is evident when we look at our son.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh that's too bad Rhett and Leah couldn't see him yesterday! I could have loaned you the records I have here at the house :( Oh well! Glad to hear Trey is doing great!!!