Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ben and his mom were able to come in yesterday evening and Ben gave Trey a bottle for his 7 o'clock feeding. He didn't take but about half and then they gave him the rest of his feeding through his N-G tube. The nurses continued to offer him the bottle overnight and he did well, taking all but 6 mL of his 7 AM bottle. They weighed Trey last night and he is up to 4 lbs 12 oz. Almost back to birth weight!

After some snuggle time this morning, Trey nursed for 18 minutes! Nursing has helped with my milk supply. I am still not making quite enough for his full feeding but am producing about 3/4 of each feeding.

Praises: Trey's progress with feedings and his weight gain.
Spring break starts tomorrow after school!

Requests: Continued strength and endurance for feedings.
Progress at home to get ready for Baby Trey!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Yea! That's great that he is starting to nurse & is close to his birth weight! Sounds like you have a strong little boy!