Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

Ugh, daylight savings time. Momma is tired! We all went to church this morning. Quite a few surprised to see me there but it was so good to worship with our church family. Ben took the kids home for naps (hopefully Rhett & Leah let Daddy nap a little. He needs it!) I came to be with Trey for a few feedings.

His bili levels were back up a little so he is back under the spot light. Nurse Shandra made him a little nest and he seems to be more content in there than the other day. So far he is maintaining his body temp okay without any clothes on under the light. His sodium levels were about the same so they increased his feeds again. He's up to 45 mL now! (about 1.5 oz). He was wide awake for the 1 o'clock feeding and even latched on a couple of times. I was so proud of him! He's been giving the paci a workout today so hopefully he's building strength and endurance for the time when he really understands what he's suppose to do at snack time! I told the nurse I am praying he'll be a boob man! At least for the next few months...

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Erin-Got your message...I'll call you tomorrow. It was good to hear your voice. Glad Trey had a better day today than yesterday! Can't wait to talk.