Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day!

Ben always looks forward to 3-14 every year. He's trained the kids at RHS that it is a national holiday celebrated by eating pie at school. It comes during a good week this year, too. He has parent-teacher conferences this week so at least he has the pie to look forward to. (Wonder if his boss is reading this???)

I wasn't able to go in and see Trey this morning. Leah got sick overnight (threw up 3 times, YUCK!) so she couldn't go to daycare. Rhett was up from 4-6 AM in all the commotion. Pray that the rest of us don't get this. Aunt Cindy is coming this afternoon so once she gets here, Ben and I will both go to see Trey for the rest of the evening. With conferences, Ben won't be able to see him tomorrow.

I called his nurse this morning and she said he had a good night. His bili levels had come down so they are taking him back off the spot light. Hopefully this time for good. Please pray for this! She had called for a lactation consultation today but was going to call them back and see if they could call me at home.

I sure miss that little guy! Can't wait to see him this afternoon. We love you, Trey!


heidi said...

Hope everyone stays well. Boy is the sickness going around!

Tiffany said...

I bet it was super tough to not go in this morning :( I hope Leah feels better soon & that the rest of you stay healthy!!!