Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011 AM

Trey was moved out of the NICU last night after we left to go home! Yes, I was discharged last night. I am feeling good and had never taken a pain pill other than Motrin so they didn't have any reason to keep me. I was anxious to sleep in my own bed and be back more with Rhett & Leah. Momma and Daddy received a very warm welcome when we got home and celebrated with ice cream!

Anyway, back to Trey! He now shares a room with 2 other babies and 1 nurse. It's more private and yet more accessible too. Visiting hours are not as restricted but there just aren't as many people around. I have met the mom of one of the other babies. They are from Colby and he is 2 weeks older than Rhett. She was on bedrest for 3 weeks before he was born so has been away from her 2 older children for over a month now. I am already praying for her!

Okay, back to Trey (again). They have upped his feedings from 9 ml to 15 ml. I was able to bring him 9 ml this morning. He had lost about 3 oz of his birth weight. His bili levels were up again so now he has the light blanket under him and a big light overhead. The nurse was putting in a new IV back on his scalp when I got here because they were having problems with the one on his hand kinking. He has been maintaining his temperature on his own.

He is just doing great and we are so proud of him. He's pretty sleepy with the jaundice going on so hopefully we can continue to make some progress on feeding. All one step closer to home!

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