Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011 PM

Our sweet boy...
True love!
The IV they put in this morning had come out by noon so Trey had to get stuck again. He seemed a bit agitated today but slept pretty peacefully while Momma and Daddy were holding him. The Dr increased his feedings again from 15 to 21 with the hopes that he won't need IV fluids much longer if he can tolerate larger feedings. So far so good and no spit up! I've kept busy changing diapers (2 poopy ones-- a good thing to help get rid of the bilirubin in his system), trying to nurse (not much progress today as he has been a sleepy head when I am holding him), and pumping. Ben has kept busy checking on Trey, holding him a little (not much today since he is on the big bili lights), and watching the Big XII tournament on the flat screen in the waiting room. We are here for one more feeding and then will head home for the evening. I'll be back tomorrow for more of the same!


Randy Wertenberger said...

Bless your hearts--let us know if there's anything we can do!

Susan Hanzlicek said...

The pictures are priceless, as are your updates. He is such a precious boy. I continue to pray that God meets all your needs with abundance.

Kara said...

Oh, he's just so incredibly precious! Hang in there guys! Soon, you'll be able to say "remember when". God will prove himself faithful. You are in our prayers!

Marcia said...

What wonderful pictures. Such a precious fellow. Thanks for the updates. God bless and strenghen you (and especially Trey) more every day.