Rhett asked for a scooter for his birthday. Big Papa and Grandma Sauce were happy to oblige.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
What a trooper
Trey was a trooper at his doctor's appointment yesterday. First off, he weighed 5 lb 9 oz. Yeah! Then came the "procedures." I helped to hold him down for the circumcision. Not something I thought I would ever observe, but very interesting. Once he got his pain block, he pretty much slept through the whole thing. The tongue clip on the other hand... They really can't do a pain block for that but thankfully it doesn't take very long. He fussed most of the way home but hen slept well the rest of the evening and night.
My favorite big brother with my favorite little brother.
So much love on one little blanket!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
3 weeks old!
Seems like Trey has been a part of our family forever already. It's hard to believe that he has only been home with us for 9 days. He continues to be a good baby. He eats every 4 hours and sleeps most of the time between feedings. He is starting to be awake a little more during the day but seems to be conserving his energy for growing while he sleeps. We return to the doctor tomorrow for a weight check, circumcision, and tongue clip. Anxious to see how much he has gained. (The doctor said they want him to gain half and ounce to an ounce a day so we are shooting for 5 lb 3 oz to 5 lb 7 oz.)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
It's game time!
We celebrated Rhett's 4th birthday this weekend with ALL our family. Rhett saw a picture of this football cake and wanted a football party. Apparently he's unaware that we are in the middle of March Madness...
Speaking of March Madness. I won the Wertenberger Family NCAA bracket. What should I spend my winnings on?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The last few days
A few photos from the last few days. We are all doing well. Hopefully Trey keeps up the stellar behavior he has displayed since we've been home. He wakes up for about 30-40 minutes to eat, then sleeps through the noise until he eats again (usually 3.5-4 hours later). Rhett & Leah are good with him and often go into the bedroom to check on him or talk to him. Rhett likes to hold him and Leah likes to kiss him. They are good about washing their hands before touching him. Rhett says, "It's okay Baby Trey, I'm your big brother" and "I love him. I love him a lot!"
Trey is on a heart and breathing monitor so is pretty stationary. We had a 2 week check up with our pediatrician in Newton yesterday. He is back to his birth weight (Yeah, Trey!) and doing well. We go back next week for his circumcision and to clip his tongue.
Papa and Gigi went home Monday night. Aunt Edee, Nate , and Luke spent Tuesday with us. We are on our own for a few days (Ben is on spring break). All the family will be over on Saturday for Rhett's birthday party.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
We're home!
Trey was released from the hospital at about 11:30 this morning. My parents had taken the kids to church so we were home when they got back. Rhett & Leah were excited to see Trey here. We all took long naps this afternoon. It is so good to be home!
I do have some pictures but have not uploaded them yet. Will try tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers. This is really just the beginning. The Dr. suggested we keep him pretty close to home for several more weeks and encourage everyone around to practice good hand washing. RSV season is not over until the end of April so I apologize in advance if I don't offer for you to hold him right away!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ben & I came up to the hospital this morning to take an infant CPR class and get trained on the heart/breathing monitor that Trey will wear when he goes home. Surprise! Dr. wrote orders for us to move to a family room as soon as we completed our monitor training. This is the last step of care before we go home! In family care, Ben & I are in charge of Trey's care and the nurse only checks in once a shift for a short assessment. As long as he doesn't have any apnea or bradycardia episodes and gains weight, we could be going home... TOMORROW! Yesterday they started him on caffeine to help with his bradycardia and he hasn't had any episodes since then so hopefully we are done with that. But as long as he is on caffeine, he has to be on the monitor. The only other thing that has to be done before we go is his circumcision and that is happening tomorrow morning when the Dr. gets here.

Crazy day! But so excited at the thought of being home together. I have been praying that Trey would not have to stay 4 weeks like they originally estimated, but God is amazing and it looks like Trey will be home before he is 2 weeks old!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Can you tell the difference?
Yesterday, 3/17/2011
Today, 3/18/2011
It's a little hard to tell because Trey would not keep his head turned for me.
His N-G tube came out today!
As of 4 o'clock this afternoon, he had taken all feedings by mouth for the last 24 hours.
A pic of the big brother and sister just for fun.
My friend, Micayla, bought these outfits for them.
They both wish they could wear them everyday.
Thanks Cayla!
Getting closer!
Trey continues to make great/fast progress! Yesterday afternoon he nursed for 30 minutes! We didn't give him any extra in his N-G tube to see how long he stayed content. He made it to his next feeding (3 hours) and took a full bottle. He has taken full bottles at every feeding between then and when I got here today and then nursed for 30 minutes again!
Right now Trey is doing a car seat test. He has to sit in his car seat for 90 minutes without any apnea episodes or drops in his oxygen saturation. This has to be done before he can go home. Ben and I are taking an infant CPR class tomorrow, also something that has to be done before he can go home. The nurse thinks we could go home as early as Monday or Tuesday! He has had a few episodes of bradycardia (low heart rate) while he is feeding so we will probably go home with a monitor. This is common in preemies and he will grow out of it.
I wasn't able to come in this morning because Rhett had a mini preschool session/screening at the preschool where I work in Andover. We are hoping he gets selected as a peer model for their special education preschool for next year. Leah and I had a little girl date while Rhett was at school. We went to Michael's and got a few activities to do. Then we went to Wal-Mart to see of we could find something for Trey to wear home. Bed time the last few nights has been a STRUGGLE. Hopefully a little one-on-one attention will do her some good.
Trey is progressing so fast that I know it can only be because of all the prayers on his behalf. Thank you!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Ben and his mom were able to come in yesterday evening and Ben gave Trey a bottle for his 7 o'clock feeding. He didn't take but about half and then they gave him the rest of his feeding through his N-G tube. The nurses continued to offer him the bottle overnight and he did well, taking all but 6 mL of his 7 AM bottle. They weighed Trey last night and he is up to 4 lbs 12 oz. Almost back to birth weight!
After some snuggle time this morning, Trey nursed for 18 minutes! Nursing has helped with my milk supply. I am still not making quite enough for his full feeding but am producing about 3/4 of each feeding.
Praises: Trey's progress with feedings and his weight gain.
Spring break starts tomorrow after school!
Requests: Continued strength and endurance for feedings.
Progress at home to get ready for Baby Trey!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March 16, 2011
Happy birthday Uncle Justin! Hope you have a great day!
Trey had another good night. When I came in this morning he was just starting to stir as it was getting close to feeding time. I held him skin to skin for awhile (helps with bonding and can also help to increase my milk supply) and then I pumped while Nurse Ruth introduced him to the bottle. He didn't seem to latch on very strong or be that interested but after a few minutes when Ruth pulled the bottle away, he had drank 20 ccs of the 45 for his feeding. Sneaky little guy! He burped and finished the bottle in less time than it takes me to pump (20-25 min). Now that we know what he can do with the bottle, we'll nurse first and then finish his feeding with the bottle. If he continues to complete his feeding with the bottle, they can take out the N-G tube! That puts us closer to moving out of the Special Care Nursery to a Family Room where we do most of the care. That is the last step before going home! I have no idea how long this will all take but Trey is just doing great and I am so proud of him.
Thank you for all your prayers. God is faithful and we praise Him!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The promised pics...
Yeah for Trey!
Thank you for your prayers yesterday! Leah is feeling better and both went back to preschool/daycare today. Aunt Cindy is on her way to the hospital now to meet Baby Trey. Ben is eating more pie and the seniors even gave him a Pi t-shirt.
Ben and I enjoyed our evening with Trey yesterday. We got to do lots of cuddling and Trey was very alert. We got a good picture but I forgot my USB cord so I won't be able to upload until I get home tonight. Check back later.
This morning a lactation consultant came to help with his 10 o'clock feeding. She brought in a breast shield to try and boy did it help. Trey latched on almost immediately and nursed for 10 minutes! What an answer to prayer! I was so proud of him and I couldn't wait to call Ben and tell him. The lactation consultant also noticed that Trey is tongue-tied. Rhett was too (these boys have a lot of similarities). It's an easy procedure to clip it but she said they don't do a lot them here. I'm going to ask his Dr. tomorrow but we may have to wait for his pediatrician to do it when we go home. Pray that this can be taken care of soon. It will help him to nurse even better.
I did speak with the Dr. this morning (before the lactation appointment). She said his bili level has continued to drop even after not being on the lights yesterday. The preliminary report from his head sono was that there was no sign of a brain bleed. Another praise!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Happy Pi Day!
Ben always looks forward to 3-14 every year. He's trained the kids at RHS that it is a national holiday celebrated by eating pie at school. It comes during a good week this year, too. He has parent-teacher conferences this week so at least he has the pie to look forward to. (Wonder if his boss is reading this???)
I wasn't able to go in and see Trey this morning. Leah got sick overnight (threw up 3 times, YUCK!) so she couldn't go to daycare. Rhett was up from 4-6 AM in all the commotion. Pray that the rest of us don't get this. Aunt Cindy is coming this afternoon so once she gets here, Ben and I will both go to see Trey for the rest of the evening. With conferences, Ben won't be able to see him tomorrow.
I called his nurse this morning and she said he had a good night. His bili levels had come down so they are taking him back off the spot light. Hopefully this time for good. Please pray for this! She had called for a lactation consultation today but was going to call them back and see if they could call me at home.
I sure miss that little guy! Can't wait to see him this afternoon. We love you, Trey!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
March 13, 2011
Ugh, daylight savings time. Momma is tired! We all went to church this morning. Quite a few surprised to see me there but it was so good to worship with our church family. Ben took the kids home for naps (hopefully Rhett & Leah let Daddy nap a little. He needs it!) I came to be with Trey for a few feedings.
His bili levels were back up a little so he is back under the spot light. Nurse Shandra made him a little nest and he seems to be more content in there than the other day. So far he is maintaining his body temp okay without any clothes on under the light. His sodium levels were about the same so they increased his feeds again. He's up to 45 mL now! (about 1.5 oz). He was wide awake for the 1 o'clock feeding and even latched on a couple of times. I was so proud of him! He's been giving the paci a workout today so hopefully he's building strength and endurance for the time when he really understands what he's suppose to do at snack time! I told the nurse I am praying he'll be a boob man! At least for the next few months...
March 12, 2011
Trey came off the big bili light and was much more content today all wrapped up. He is still on the light blanket. They also took out his IV so no more fluids. They have continued to increase his feeds to make up for not getting fluids. His sodium levels were a little high (149, normal 140) so they are monitoring those. He was awake quite a bit of the time we held him (during feedings).
Daddy came up to the hospital in the morning and spent the day. Momma took Rhett & Leah to the library in the morning and brought them up to see Trey after naps. Big Papa (Grandpa Rixey) and Grandma Sauce (Grandma Brenda) came down to see Trey this afternoon, too. Grandma got to hold him a little even. After we all ate supper, I came back for one final feeding before heading home. A good day!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March 11, 2011 PM
Friday, March 11, 2011
March 11, 2011 AM
I was a little discouraged when we left last night. Trey was agitated all day. He had to be naked lying on a light blanket and under the big bili light to get as much light exposure as possible. He just didn't like it! The only time we was content and restful was when he was wrapped up for us to hold him at feedings. This was sweet of course and we loved it, but it was not very conducive to learn to nurse!
When I came in this morning, Nurse Sara was taking away the big bili light! Now he can be wrapped again with just the light blanket under neath him. I feel like he has already slept more since I've been here (8:45 am) than he did all day yesterday. He has taken pretty well to the pacifier so hopefully when he wakes up, he'll know what do for nursing :) He also displayed the rooting reflex when Sara put her thumb up to his mouth. But once this kid has his sunglasses on for the light blanket and is wrapped up, there is no waking him up!

The Dr. upped Trey's feedings again to 27 mL. We are hoping that he tolerates this increase as it would be one step closer to getting rid of the IV fluids and fat emulsions. I am going to work on a little hat for him today so once his scalp IV is gone he can wear a little hat to keep warm. They did move him back to a radiant heat bed overnight as his temps dropped some. But now that he is able to be wrapped up again, Sara thought he'd back in the regular "crib" before long.
Thank you for all your continued prayers for Trey and our family as we find what our new normal will be in the next few weeks. Rhett & Leah are enjoying Momma and Daddy being home more and so are we. Leah has even started pooping in the potty for Grandma! It's a beautiful day here so I think a trip to the park is in order for this afternoon.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
March 10, 2011 PM
Our sweet boy...
True love!
The IV they put in this morning had come out by noon so Trey had to get stuck again. He seemed a bit agitated today but slept pretty peacefully while Momma and Daddy were holding him. The Dr increased his feedings again from 15 to 21 with the hopes that he won't need IV fluids much longer if he can tolerate larger feedings. So far so good and no spit up! I've kept busy changing diapers (2 poopy ones-- a good thing to help get rid of the bilirubin in his system), trying to nurse (not much progress today as he has been a sleepy head when I am holding him), and pumping. Ben has kept busy checking on Trey, holding him a little (not much today since he is on the big bili lights), and watching the Big XII tournament on the flat screen in the waiting room. We are here for one more feeding and then will head home for the evening. I'll be back tomorrow for more of the same!
March 10, 2011 AM
Trey was moved out of the NICU last night after we left to go home! Yes, I was discharged last night. I am feeling good and had never taken a pain pill other than Motrin so they didn't have any reason to keep me. I was anxious to sleep in my own bed and be back more with Rhett & Leah. Momma and Daddy received a very warm welcome when we got home and celebrated with ice cream!
Anyway, back to Trey! He now shares a room with 2 other babies and 1 nurse. It's more private and yet more accessible too. Visiting hours are not as restricted but there just aren't as many people around. I have met the mom of one of the other babies. They are from Colby and he is 2 weeks older than Rhett. She was on bedrest for 3 weeks before he was born so has been away from her 2 older children for over a month now. I am already praying for her!
Okay, back to Trey (again). They have upped his feedings from 9 ml to 15 ml. I was able to bring him 9 ml this morning. He had lost about 3 oz of his birth weight. His bili levels were up again so now he has the light blanket under him and a big light overhead. The nurse was putting in a new IV back on his scalp when I got here because they were having problems with the one on his hand kinking. He has been maintaining his temperature on his own.
He is just doing great and we are so proud of him. He's pretty sleepy with the jaundice going on so hopefully we can continue to make some progress on feeding. All one step closer to home!
March 9, 2011 Part 2
The kids were excited to go and see Trey this afternoon. Trey, however, slept through the whole thing! Both Rhett & Leah talked to him and Rhett reached out to touch Trey's leg and tummy. Rhett thought Trey's black umbilical cord on his belly button was hilarious.
Can't wait until our family can be together full time!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March 9, 2011
Last night Ben was able to hold Trey for the first time. It was a little awkward to get started trying to manage all the tubes and cords but a precious time nonetheless. We both enjoyed talking to him and telling him how much we love him.
Rhett and Leah were not able to meet him yesterday as their immunization records had yet to arrive from the pediatrician's office. They were both so sad and did not want to leave without seeing Baby Trey. Today's the day though and I can't wait to see their reactions.
Momma was anxious to see Baby Trey this morning! When we went down at 8:00 it didn't take long to realize he had made even more improvements since last night. He is off the CPAP and breathing room air all on his own!!! They moved the IV from his scalp to his hand so there are no tubes on his head. He looks great!
We both got more cuddle time this morning and we even tried a little breastfeeding. The nurse told me not to expect much interest from him at 32 weeks but he latch on a few times and even gave 4 or 5 good sucks before pooping out. The nurse and I were both pleased!
Trey's doctor came by to speak with us this morning too. He will have a head sono on day 6 and again on day 28 to monitor for brain bleeds. He was on a spot light for elevated bilirubin, pretty common for preemies. He had had 2 poopy diapers already so things are moving :) He will begin feedings today by N-G tube. Not ready to introduce a bottle yet until we give breastfeeding a go. I have already started pumping...
I am feeling great. Ben keeps telling me not to overdo it. My labor and delivery were so quick that if you didn't know I just had a baby, you wouldn't know I just had a baby. Except for that tummy that is still hanging around.
Thanks for all your prayers. God is faithful and it is evident when we look at our son.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Trey Rixey
Just after Trey was born.
Holding my little man for the first time, just a short time, before sending him off to the NICU.
In his bed in the NICU.
He has been making improvements all day! His respirations per minute went from 67 this morning to 30 this afternoon. His blood sugars have been stable since about 10 AM. We are still waiting to hear when he will begin feedings. Right now he is still on IV fluids through the IV in his skull. Trey's nurse said that he began crying when they took his temperature this afternoon so she knows he is feeling stronger and more alert.
We are waiting for Rhett & Leah now to have a little birthday party for big brother and take them down to meet Trey. So excited!
Birthday Buddies
Today is Rhett's 4th birthday! We decided to go all out and get him a baby brother for his present!
Trey Rixey Wertenberger was born around 5:30 this morning after a quick labor. He weighs 4 lbs 15 oz and is 18.5 in long. The NICU staff was on hand to check him out right away. I was able to hold him for just a minute before the took him to the NICU. After a few hours of "recovery" and another room switch, Ben and I were able to go and see him.
He is breathing room air but he is on a CPAP (positive pressure to help keep his lungs open). The other main issue this morning was that he had low blood sugar even after some sucrose. However, I just got a call from the Dr. that his last blood sugar had come up from 20 to 53 (they were hoping for 40). Praise the Lord! I am tired but doing fine. Only pushed through 2 contractions and out he came.
I'll get some pictures up in a little bit.
Rixey is Ben's dad name and Big Papa was pretty surprised when we called to tell him about his newest grandson.
Monday, March 7, 2011
1 week & 5 days to go!
No change! Had a full day of visitors yesterday and loved every minute of it. Ben and the kids were here most of the afternoon. Then Ben came back for a little while after dropping the kids off with Uncle Randy and Aunt Amy (thank you for hosting a sleepover with the cousins so Ben could get some much needed rest!!!!). The kids will be back at daycare today and Grandma and Grandpa are coming back this afternoon for the week.
Praises for today:
Still pregnant! And baby continues to be content inside.
A beautiful flower arrangement that just arrived.
A good nights sleep for Ben last night.
Requests for today:
No infections! I finish my course of antibiotics tonight but an infection is one reason we could deliver earlier than 34 weeks.
Mature lungs and overall health for the baby when it arrives. The unknowns grab hold of me sometimes...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
1 week & 6 days to go!
Although I have enjoyed all my visitors, here are a few pics of my favorite visitors...
Rhett enjoys playing games on pbskids.org and has missed having mom's computer at home to play. So whenever they come he asks to play games. Leah enjoys watching him and annoying him by pushing buttons.
I needed some benadryl to help me sleep last night after the Lady Bronco's OT loss in the sub-state finals. This morning I've had a shower and am waiting for our church service to start at 10:45. So thankful I can watch online!
Praises for today:
It's Sunday!
I am expecting visits from lots of friends and family.
Sunshine through my window.
Supportive friends and family.
My Lady Broncos. I am so proud of them and love each one!
Requests for today:
Rest for Ben as he didn't sleep well last night. Hoping he will take some time off this week to recuperate.
Continued maintenance of this pregnancy. The Dr said most women deliver within 1 week of their ruptured membranes and that week will be up on Monday...
Finalizing of baby names :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
2 weeks to go!
In no longer than 2 weeks, we will be a family of 5! The Dr. this morning said that most women with premature rupture of membranes deliver within a week. But he is pleased and encouraged that I am going on 5 days with no signs of labor or complications. So we are still hoping to make it to March 19th and then deliver.
Had a nice visit with the kids last night. Rhett was laughing at something on the computer and it was so good to hear that. Ben called back after he got them home and in bed and said Rhett said he missed Momma and wanted me to come home. Break my heart! I know he won't remember all this and someday I'll be praying he WOULD miss me! Mom has gone home for a few days and Aunt Cindy is here now.
Ben brought the team into see me this morning. I think it was good for them to see that I look the same and am doing fine. They were headed out for a team meal and they play for their sub-state championship tonight at 6. I am here on my "prayer post" and will receive text updates throughout the game. Lots of Ben's family will be at the game too so I am looking forward to more company today.
Praises for today:
A GREAT night's sleep last night.
A visit from a neonatalogist yesterday who answered lots of questions for me.
Continued good reports from the baby's daily non-stress tests.
My computer! I can listen to songs, look at pictures of the kids, check emails, etc...
Requests for today:
No complications or signs of labor!
That Rhett & Leah would behave and obey for all those taking care of them.
Clarity of mind, strength of character, and sharpness of skill for the Ben and the Lady Broncos tonight. And of course, a win!
Travel safety for Ben's family as they come for the game.
Friday, March 4, 2011
2 weeks and 1 day to go
Miscalculated the countdown yesterday... Although I'm not really sure what the end day will be. We hit 34 weeks on a Saturday so we may go a little shy of that or wait till the next Monday. Nevertheless, we are still pregnant and one day closer to meeting this baby!
Praises for today:
A win in a tight game for the Lady Broncos last night!
Stable conditions for me and the baby.
SOOO many offers for help that we don't even know where to begin.
My mom and her availability to stay with Rhett & Leah right now. She is getting a break
this weekend thanks to Aunt Cindy and Uncle Brent!
A hot shower.
Requests for today:
Continued pregnancy.
Safe travel for my mom and Brent & Cindy as they will be on the road this afternoon.
A little motivation :)
Progress in potty-training Leah through this change in routine.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
This is the stuff
The following are the lyrics to Francessca Batistelli's new song, This Is The Stuff. Even before Monday night I would find this song stuck in my head. However, God also planted these words in my mind early Tuesday morning when I couldn't sleep, despite being exhausted, while lying in a hospital bed feeling out of control, not knowing what was going to happen to me or this little baby in my tummy. "Why now God? Ben is in the middle of the 2 most important weeks of basketball. Rhett's birthday is coming up. I don't have the time to take off work. This is going to be expensive!"
So many of you have sent messages or left comments that have been an encouragement to me already. I know there are lessons being learned already about the blessings and provisions of my heavenly Father. I also know that I am a stubborn, control freak who will need to learn these lessons again and again.
I lost my keys
In the great unknown And call me please
'Cause I can't find my phone
This is the stuff that drives me crazy.
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately.
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I've got to trust You know exactly what You're doing
Might not be what I might choose
But this is the stuff you use
45 in a 35
Sirens and fines
While I'm running behind
This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I've gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
Might not be what I might choose but this is the stuff You use
So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world
This is the stuff that drives me crazy.
This is the stuff
Someone save me
In the middle of little my mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
And I've gotta trust you know exactly what You're doing
Might not be what I would choose but this is the stuff You use
This is the stuff You use
Right now I am missing one of Ben's basketball games and it is killing me. My mom has come and gone with my babies and I am lonely. Thank you, Lyn, for sharing this verse with me yesterday. I am praying it right now!
Zephaniah 3:17
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
2 weeks and 3 days to go!
Praises for today:
Another day pregnant and no change in baby's status or progression of labor
Lots of visitors bringing goodies and things to keep me and my mind busy
Special notes and emails from friends far and near with encouraging words and Scripture
The great care I am receiving here at Wesley
Requests for today:
Continued pregnancy
Stamina for my parents as they care for the kids at home
Ben's ball game tonight. Win, win, win!
Ben as he juggles work, visiting me, and spending time with the kids
Momma missing her kids
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Just Hanging out!
Well, a lot has changed the Wertenberger Family in the last few days...
Ben won his first sub-state game Monday night at home! Then my water broke as we were leaving the school. Thankfully not a gush that anyone noticed (how embarrassing!). When I got home with the kids, I was rushing to get in the house and Rhett got his arm caught in his seatbelt and fell out of the car and scrapped his face and landed on his head. Really?! Leah was so patient and waited in her car seat while I got Rhett in and an ice pack on his head, changed my clothes and went back for her. I called Ben and he hurried home with his assistant coach hot on his heels to help out. Another friend came to spend the night with the kids until my mom could arrive in the morning. We headed to Newton to the hospital but after it was confirmed that I had ruptured membranes, an ambulance took me to Wesley in Wichita as Newton is not set to provide care for moms or babies at this early stage (31 weeks).
I have received steriod shots to help the baby's lungs develop and will be on antibiotics for 7 days to prevent infection for me and baby. I am not in labor right now. They want to keep me pregnant until 34 weeks so I am on bedrest here at the hospital until then or unless I get an infection or the placenta starts to pull away. A sonogram showed there was still fluid around the baby and the Dr said the baby will continue to make fluid too. The sono also showed the baby weighed 4.5 lbs which is big for 31 weeks, but if any of you had seen me lately, this was not a surprise!
Baby has not shown any signs of distress and is still moving around and has a steady heart rate. Two of my 3 doctors have been in this morning and are encouraged that we have made it another day closer to 34 weeks. I had a good nights sleep and a shower this morning so I'm feeling pretty good. My mom is here with the kids for now and she and Ben brought them up to see me last night. It was so good to see and hug and kiss them, but really heartbreaking to see them go. I am tearing up just thinking about it!
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Specific prayer requests are: for this baby to stay inside until around March 19, for the kids and I as we are apart, for stamina for my mom and Ben as they care for Rhett & Leah, for Ben's basketball team to keep winning, for me to keep busy lying around. No news is good news, so I will update here if there is any change or excitement.
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