Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trey 4 months

Seems like our big boy has stalled out a little. He weighs 14.4 lbs. I haven't measured him lately and we couldn't get in for his 4 month appointment until the 21st so we won't know his percentiles until then.

He is starting to talk a lot and take notice of more things around him. He is getting stronger, too. He has tried rice cereal a few times and isn't doing too bad with it. Our mama kitty enjoys eating his leftovers. He has been pretty slobbery lately and it looks like he may be teething already. Geesh!

Big Papa and Grandma Sauce took Rhett & Leah home for a few days. It was nice (and easy!) to be at home with Trey. Sounds like Rhett & Leah had a lot of fun, too. Leah's favorite part was playing with Aunt Cindy's old Barbies. Grandpa even played Barbies with Leah! Rhett's favorite part was playing monster trucks. Sounds like Rhett had it pretty good... he had 6 trucks by the end and Grandpa only had 1 and it had a broken wheel.

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