Monday, July 25, 2011


The other night at dinner, Leah said, "oh Jesus." Ben and I looked at each other... did she really just say that?! Ben took over, "Leah, we don't say that." "But Brother Bear said it," she said. Rhett pipes in, "Yeah, on the Berenstain Bears and the Truth." Grandma Sauce sent home a Berenstain Bears video and the kids have been watching it pretty frequently lately. I'm pretty sure that Brother Bear doesn't say that and I'm also pretty sure that Grandma sauce wouldn't own a video that said that either. We left the conversation at, even if Brother Bear did say it, we don't say it.

Rhett & Leah watched the video this morning so I sat and listened carefully to see if I could identify what they were talking about. Brother Bear says, "aww gee, Sis." Whew! Glad we got that figured out!

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