Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rhett is 3... almost

Rhett's still not convinced that he's 3 yet, even though his actual birthday was Monday, March 8. He knows he's had his birthday but sometimes he still tells us he's "almost 3."

It happened to be Story Time at the library that morning. He shares his birthday with Ms. Julie so we sang to them, along with 2 other boys who also turn 3 this month.

After we got home he helped to stir his birthday cake.

He has received a few cards in the mail, which we opened. But we aren't having his party for a another week so we only let him open the presents from us.

He got his very own return address labels with trains on them. (Sign up for emails from vistaprint.com for FREE personalized items. All you pay is shipping. I got 140 address labels for each kid for a mere $4 in shipping!)

He also got his very own "Jeepster." We got this at a much reduced price from a friend of mine. Look at that smile! Unfortunately it rained all day on Monday so we were reduced to driving it around half the garage. He could use a little practice steering in wide open spaces!

After he wore down the battery in the Jeepster, we went inside for cake. Somebody couldn't wait for Momma to serve up the slices and dug right in with his fork!

His party theme is trains and I will attempt to make a 3-D train cake... So only a sheet cake for the actual day.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Rhett! We love you!


Aunt C said...

We love you too Rhett and it looks like you had a great birthday. Now that you are the big 3 you will have to come ride Zoey and Dottie!!!

Kara said...

Oh, yea birthday pics of Rhett!!
SCORE on that jeep ride- that's awesome!

Marcia said...

Happy Birthday Rhett!