Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Family Time

Sure glad we took a walk to the park Friday before it snowed! It was a beautiful morning! Rhett likes to throw rocks in the water.

Leah likes to swing and says "wheeeeee!"

On the way home, Rhett said, "Leah, hold my hand. I'll keep you safe. You have to be careful. Walk on the side of the road. See? There are cars coming." So proud of him for helping take care of his little sister.


Heidi said...

So cute. This is a wall picture.

Megan said...

What a great brother. You have every right to be proud!

Cindy said...

SOOOO sweet. I hope this continues.

Edee said...

Nate said "Why are they walking in the middle of the road?" I told him that you and Ben were there too and didn't get into the differences between Whitewater and Manhattan traffic!