Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mr. & Ms. Fix-It

Rhett helping Daddy get his bike ready last night so he can start riding to school again. One can do anything in Buzz Lightyear jammies.
Leah wearing Rhett's safety goggles... I don't think she knew why I was laughing!

Palm Sunday

"Easter is coming!" That is what Rhett told us a week ago when we asked what he learned in Sunday School.
Last Sunday, Palm Sunday, our church always has the children parade through the sanctuary waving palm branches. This was the first year both our kids got to participate. Unfortunately Leah was facing the other direction...

After Rhett realized it was Daddy taking his picture, he gave a big smile, but not quick enough for the camera to catch it!

Rhett was so proud to tell us about the picture he colored this week in Sunday School.
Mom: Who is this?
Rhett: Jesus! He's on a donkey!
Mom: What are the children doing?
Rhett: They are cheering for Jesus!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Took a few hours, but I think the train cake turned out pretty good! Cousin Drew said, "That's not a cake with a train on it. That cake is a train!"

Rhett said he made a wish, but couldn't tell us what it was.

I couldn't resist taking this picture.

Cousin Will entertained us with a little singing on Leah's light up microphone.

Family Time

Sure glad we took a walk to the park Friday before it snowed! It was a beautiful morning! Rhett likes to throw rocks in the water.

Leah likes to swing and says "wheeeeee!"

On the way home, Rhett said, "Leah, hold my hand. I'll keep you safe. You have to be careful. Walk on the side of the road. See? There are cars coming." So proud of him for helping take care of his little sister.


Rhett is one week out from his surgery. We had a check-up with the surgeon yesterday. Pathology reports showed the bumps were cavernous hemangiomas (tumors of a blood vessel, more or less). Dr. Cranston said from the literature, he could see no harmful effects from having these or having them removed. He also couldn't say if Rhett could have more of them in the future or not. They are benign and you have probably seen one before as a raised birthmark on some babies.

The top picture was taken after we got home from his surgery and Aunt Cindy got to read about 7 Curious George books.

Rhett still has some swelling, especially in the lower spot. Dr. said this was normal and should go away in a few weeks. Rhett doesn't want you to touch the incisions, but they must not bother him too bad because he was wrestling with his cousins this weekend like a mad man. This picture was taken the day after surgery. He has more swelling and bruising now.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh Ben!

From the bedroom this morning I could hear Ben laughing out in the kitchen. When I asked what was going on he recounted the conversation he just had with Leah.

Daddy: Leah no.
Leah continuing to do whatever he had told her to stop doing.
Daddy: Leah, Daddy said no.
Leah: Oh Ben!

Monday, March 15, 2010

To God be the Glory!

It is 10:30 AM and we have been home about 30 minutes. Rhett's surgery went well and Dr. Cranston said Rhett did fine. He was crying pretty hard waking up but calmed down pretty well after getting back with momma and daddy. The surgeon said the "bumps" were pockets of blood. PRAISE GOD! No weird tissue or fluid. He thinks they were probably lymph nodes that died/disintegrated and then filled with blood. Why? Who knows. But they are gone now! Once he drank a little water and ate a little fruit bar, we were ready to go home. But not before Rhett threw up that water and fruit bar all over daddy. He's drinking and eating crackers now and although he's tired, he seems to be doing fine. We go back to the surgeon in a week for a check-up.

Thank you for all your prayers for Rhett (and Momma and Daddy). God had His hand on Rhett today I know. We are so blessed to have God as our Great Physician, guiding and directing the doctors and nurses working with Rhett today. Thanks, also, to Aunt Cindy for staying with Leah at home some we could both be with Rhett at the hospital.

Lord, I cannot praise you enough! I stand in awe of your power and concern for us. I cannot comprehend how you love Rhett more than I do, but I know you do. Thank you for THIS day. We love you, Jesus!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bump Update

Ben & I both went with Rhett to his Dr. appointment this morning. The TB skin test was negative and when they measured the bumps, the one in his armpit had grown some. It is now 1.5 inches. The other bump on his ribs had gone down but not disappeared. Dr. Jantz felt like we needed to get a surgeon involved so we could really find out what's going on in there. Luckily Dr. Cranston, the surgeon, wasn't in surgery this morning and we were able to meet with him too. He said his initial thought was cat scratch but since we have that ruled out, he felt like we'd better go in too. He asked if Monday morning would work. "Yes!" I said.

So we'll go in EARLY Monday morning for outpatient surgery. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure if they will just drain it, or remove the whole thing. I don't care what they do with it as long as we find out what it is! Rhett is excited because he gets to wear his pajamas to the Dr. He even asked if he could bring his sleeping bag.

Rhett & Daddy played soccer while we were waiting for the surgeon to come in. By the way he was running around, you'd never think he should be in the doctor's office. He was sweaty and red-cheeked when the surgeon came in!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Perfect Day

While driving to town yesterday, we were listening to the new Lady Antebellum CD. Leah likes the song "American Honey" and says "honey" whenever she hears it in the song. So cute! Anyway, one of the songs is called "Perfect Day." It is very upbeat and we all like it. Here is one of the lines from the chorus:

Can't worry about tomorrow
When you're busy living in this perfect day.

Just what I needed to hear! Just before we had left that morning, Rhett's doctor called back and asked that we come back for more lab work. Worrying is a genetic disorder I have passed down though the women in my family (thanks Mom and Grandma!). And really I haven't been worrying too much about Rhett's bumps, but I do have my moments. But after hearing those lines, for the thousandth time, it really sunk in. I need to be busy spending, living THIS perfect day with those I love. If I'm busy living, I won't have time to worry. Ahhh! How refreshing!

When I took Rhett in for the lab work, I was expecting them to draw more blood. But all they did was a TB skin test. I think they are just trying to rule everything out. It doesn't appear to me that he has TB, but that's not my call. So we have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to have the skin test results read and decide on any next steps.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rhett is 3... almost

Rhett's still not convinced that he's 3 yet, even though his actual birthday was Monday, March 8. He knows he's had his birthday but sometimes he still tells us he's "almost 3."

It happened to be Story Time at the library that morning. He shares his birthday with Ms. Julie so we sang to them, along with 2 other boys who also turn 3 this month.

After we got home he helped to stir his birthday cake.

He has received a few cards in the mail, which we opened. But we aren't having his party for a another week so we only let him open the presents from us.

He got his very own return address labels with trains on them. (Sign up for emails from vistaprint.com for FREE personalized items. All you pay is shipping. I got 140 address labels for each kid for a mere $4 in shipping!)

He also got his very own "Jeepster." We got this at a much reduced price from a friend of mine. Look at that smile! Unfortunately it rained all day on Monday so we were reduced to driving it around half the garage. He could use a little practice steering in wide open spaces!

After he wore down the battery in the Jeepster, we went inside for cake. Somebody couldn't wait for Momma to serve up the slices and dug right in with his fork!

His party theme is trains and I will attempt to make a 3-D train cake... So only a sheet cake for the actual day.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Rhett! We love you!

Square one

We got the results of Rhett's blood work yesterday. It was negative for cat scratch disease. He is on day 6 of antibiotics and the bumps have not changed in size. So, we are to take him in for some more blood work. Keep praying...


Coach Wert had his 100th career win as a head coach Friday night in the second round of Sub-State. Most of our extended family was on hand to celebrate. I made stickers for the kids that said "My Daddy just won his 100th game!" Rhett slept in his and wore it most of the next day as well. Unfortunately we'll have to wait for the 2010-2011 season for win 101; the Lady Broncos were beat out in the Sub-State championship on Saturday.
The kids monkeying around after the big win.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cat Scratch Disease

Well, that's a new one! I've never heard of Cat Scratch Disease, but I'm hoping that is all this is.

The 2 bumps you see on Rhett are swollen lymph nodes. We noticed the lower one a few weeks ago (it was also bruised). We figured he was running around, not watching where he was going (very common occurrence) and bumped into something. When the bruise left and the bump stayed we were a little concerned, but his 3 year check-up was coming up on Monday so we planned to ask about it then.
Yesterday when getting dressed, I noticed the one in his armpit. And Momma had a freak out! Dr. Jantz was not able to get us in yesterday but Ben took Rhett in first thing this morning. Diagnosis: Cat Scratch Disease. Google it. Sounds just like Rhett. So he is on a round of antibiotics and we go back in 2 weeks. They also drew blood today to make sure that's all it is. If the results show anything else, they will drain and biopsy. I'm not even going there right now. Cat Scratch Disease it what it has to be.
FYI: I have always had a strong dislike for cats. I knew they were dirty animals!


Rhett & Leah love to play in a "nesty- nest-nest." They pile all the pillows they can find, blankets even if they are around, and jump on in! This nest is in Rhett's room: 3 pillows, 3 blankets, George and Lovie, and a farm truck for excitement.