Saturday, January 10, 2009

In the beginning...

Well, we had a good run but the poop in the bathtub is back.  Rhett hadn't pooped in the tub for over 2 weeks but Monday night he did it again.  This time though, he said "Toot, toot," before he did it.  So Momma is really starting to talk about potty training.  Grandma and Papa Fisher's neighbor gave the kids some money for Christmas so I think we will buy a potty chair.  I saw an Elmo toilet ring online so hopefully that will help our cause.  As for now, I'm making Ben take Rhett with him every time he goes so Rhett can watch him.  Before his  bath tonight Rhett stood on a stool in front of the toilet while the tub filled up.  He didn't go but he kept saying "potty."  Wish us luck!


Kara said...

Poop in the bathtub- gross! We haven't had that yet- knock on wood! I think I might start cutting Audrey's binkie here soon!
Big times are happening for these little tykes- whether they like it or not! :-)

Tiffany said...

Oh boy...I hope you made Benji clean it up :) Good luck with the potty training! I think Leighton might be close to starting before long. He points to his diaper immediately everytime he potties or poops, so I'm hoping that's a sign he's closer to being ready!

Erika said...

I am glad you came over to the blogging world. Welcome! I think you will find it fun. I am almost to my centennial post and going strong.

Marcia said...

Good Luck Ben and Erin. We tried (with only one kid) - letting them run around without their diaper - I don't recommend that. Have fun! He will be potty trained sometime!