Saturday, November 27, 2010


(Rhett named him after a train from the Thomas books. Think we'll call him Skar)
He's a 2-month old lab/shorthair mix and cute as can be.

The kids were so excited when we told them we were getting a puppy.

As you can see they both love him already.

We got him Saturday and last night was better than the first. He's sleeping in the garage in a crate. Eventually he will be in the shed with the cats at night and out during the day. Right now, he can't hold his own with the cats and they are not amused by him. The kids have enjoyed playing "chase" with him in the garage and taking turns giving him his bone.


Kara said...

Oh you get parent of the year award! How fun for you guys!

Megan said...

First another baby, then a dog?! Wow. I'm impressed...

heathandjennifer said...

Very cute. I am sure all of you will enjoy the puppy!

Unknown said...

This is good to know. I will be sure to let my parents know so they can keep an eye on Riley, she's not fond of other dogs.