Saturday, June 6, 2009

Does anybody know the potty dance?

Well, we do!  We started potty training with Rhett yesterday.  He went twice yesterday and 3 times today.  We still had a few accidents, but the big news is that he wore a pull-up into Wichita for dinner with family tonight and was still dry when we got home.  Then he peed and POOPED in the potty!!!  I went crazy!  I couldn't stop doing the potty dance.  Ben and Uncle Josh, who was lucky enough to be here for the first poop, couldn't stop making fun of me.  Rhett looked into the potty and said, "what's that?"  He didn't care so much for the potty dance as he did for the 10 smarties he got for pooping in the potty.  I took a picture, but don't worry, I won't post it.  It's only for Rhett's baby book.  Maybe I did go a little over board...


Heidi said...

Thanks great! Celebrate big!

Susan Hanzlicek said...

There IS life after diapers! Congrats Rhett!

Megan said...

Yay! (Check your e-mail...) And thank you. Really, truly, thank you.

Kara said...

I took a picture of AK's first poop too! Glad I'm not the only mom that did that! :-)
Congrats and keep up the good work Rhett!!