Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Love and Respect

Ben and I are taking a class at church on the book, "Love and Respect."  We missed the first class while we were gone at Cindy's college graduation (I know, can you believe she's old enough to graduate from college?!)  Anyway, our homework is to read 3 chapters and keep a list.  Ben is supposed to write down anytime he feels I haven't respected him and I am supposed to write down any time I feel unloved.  Hopefully this doesn't bring on any fights!  

Our Sunday School teachers of 8+ years have decided to step down from teaching our regular class.  We are so going to miss them in this role.  Merrill and Joyce have been great examples for Ben and I and we are blessed to call them friends.


Marcia said...

We have some of the Love and Respect DVD's - they are so good. YOu can borrow what we have if you want.

Pastor B said...

You will love and respect the Love and Respect class. Everyone should read this book! Thanks for taking it. It is always great to see you at church. Thanks for being a part of what God is doing...hope your lists aren't too long.