Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rhett's Antics

Boys will be boys, they say.  Here is what Rhett has been up to this week.  Ben was on the phone and I was cooking supper one night when Ben said, "Um, Momma..."  I looked up to see Rhett had positioned himself in Leah's swing with his blankie and George.  Doesn't he look comfy?

Rhett's timeout spot is the rug by the front door.  Ben put down one of his flannel shirts in front of the door to block any drafts.  I don't remember what Rhett did, but while I was nursing Leah he earned a timeout.  I told him to go sit down and wait for me to come get him.  He trots over and sits down, out of my vision from the rocking chair.  When I get up to get him, I find him sitting still as a stone under Ben's shirt.  Of course I have to snap a picture before finishing up the timeout routine (a kiss and "Sorry, Momma).


Marcia said...

Your kids are precious! I love those pictures of Rhett ! What a great personality! It's hard to keep a straight face sometimes , isn't it?

Kara said...

Oh these kiddos are going to make us gray and wrinkled! :-)
If you see Luke- post pictures- I haven't seen pics except for the 2 they sent on the day of his birth. I want to see that little dude!