We took the train to Albuquerque last weekend to visit my Aunt Karen and see the famous annual Balloon Fiesta. The paper said there were 550 balloons went up the morning we were there. They have volunteers to help choreograph the take-offs and they all went off without incident on opening day. Rhett calls them hot balloons.

In addition to normal hot air balloons, they have ones in different shapes. You can see the pair of bees below. They also had a dairy cow, Smoky the Bear, a flying pig, Pepsi can, and several other animals.

Leah kept saying, "oooooooooo." She was quite impressed.

We were able to stand within about 10 feet of the Farmer's Insurance balloon as it aired up and took off. Rhett was a little frightened when they turned the burner on to heat up the air inside the balloon.

To see all of the pictures from our trip, visit: http://thewertenbergerfamily.shutterfly.com/