Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What a difference a year makes!

Well, a year ago today, this is what I was doing... Just Hanging Out. We are headed to Ben's first round sub-state game in a bit, so I can't help but remember what happened at that game last year. The beginning of the journey we call Trey Rixey!

Look at him now!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Rub the beat!

IMG_0225 a video by wertfamily on Flickr.

I posted this video on Facebook a few days ago. Unfortunately, Papa and Gigi were not able to view it. What a shame! It's too good not to post here too. Enjoy!

Leah likes to watch the Fresh Beat Band on Nick Jr. "Twist" is name of the DJ in the band. I am assuming that is the inspiration for Leah's performance, but really... who knows!

My sister says it has been too long since our last blog post...

And she's right. But I do have a few good excuses.
1. We are in the middle of basketball season (only one loss so far and just a few short weeks until the post-season).
2. I have started work on my transitional doctorate of physical therapy. Classes are online but my evenings have been spent reading 3 textbooks on health policy. Boring!

But here's what the kids have been up to:
Rhett is still loving school and counting down the days until his and Trey's birthday (27 days!). He has been taking advantage of the nice weather to learn how to ride his bike. He only needs a little help to get started and then he's off to go wherever he wants. He is reading 1st grade books from the school library and likes to read to Leah and Trey.

Leah can hardly wait for her turn to go to school. She loves to work on projects at home and is starting to write her name really well and can color in the lines better than her big brother. She MUST wear a dress or skirt to Daddy's games so she can cheer and dance for the Lady Broncos. Trey continues to get lots of love from his big sister.

Trey was 11 months old on Wednesday! I can't believe it has almost been a year since we spent 20 days at Wesley waiting for Trey to arrive and then waiting for him to come home. I am almost done with his first haircut. Yes, it has taken me 2 days, but Ben hasn't been home much this week so I have had to wrestle and cut by myself. Hopefully Trey will let me finish before Daddy's game tonight! He is cruising everywhere and getting into everything. I had to move the trash can yesterday... He continues to be easy-going but certainly has found his voice for those times he wants to get our attention. He has 2 teeth but 3 more are on their way. He eats ANYTHING and thankfully, has started to use a sippy (this took much longer than I anticipated).

Hope you enjoy the slide show!