Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Rhett had his preschool achievement program last Thursday. Since his public performance history is sketchy, we resorted to bribery again. I asked him what he wanted for a special treat if he sang at his program. He asked for a red sucker. Easy! So, I offered him 2 red suckers if he sang and did the actions.

He came in and stood front and center. I waved to the 2 red suckers when he looked at me as a reminder. It did no good. No singing, so actions. Just him grabbing himself "down there." Leah was standing on Ben's lap so she could see. She asked, in a voice loud enough for those around us to hear, "Daddy, why is Rhett grabbing his penis?" Good question, Leah.

They handed out awards to each student. Rhett got the "Quiet Spirit" award and "Academic King" award. Other than the song performance, we are proud of the year Rhett had at preschool. Next year he will be a peer model at the early childhood preschool where I work, 4 afternoons a week.

A sampling of what he has learned this year :)

I'm not posting the video I took of his program since he didn't do anything. Leah, however, was anxious to put on a program for us at home. Enjoy!


Megan said...

Oh my goodness! I am cracking up at Leah's comment. (And I just noticed - you should update your profile! You have 3 kids now.)

Susan Hanzlicek said...

Too cute. When Ben told me about the program, it brought back many memories of when mine were that age. Priceless.

And yes - Megan is right. You need to update!!

Heidi said...

Thank you for the smile!

Tiffany said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning :)

tara said...

getting caught up on you all a little - this just made me laugh out loud!! maybe we can meet up at mom's pool when we get home - miss you all!