Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pretty bold move...

I did something I've never done before yesterday... I took a shower while both the kids were awake. Yep. Left them unsupervised for about 15 minutes. I did have the monitor on so I could hear them. But really, what would I have done if I heard a crash and one of them start screaming. Run down the stairs wet and naked?! Who knows. Luckily, Rhett was watching Super Why and Leah was busy pulling books off the book shelf.

I guess I shouldn't have been nervous. This guy looks pretty trustworthy, doesn't he?


Heidi said...

Totally trustworthy! Think you are fine!

Lisa said...

Love that picture! Guess I feel lucky that I can still strap my kiddo into a swing if he's awake and I need a shower! He will portest but can't go anywhere!

Marcia said...

You are safe with that young man to protect you!

Becky Keely said...

Hi Erin! That is hilarious and very bold. I'm proud of you! Georgia loves Super Why....maybe they could have a date sometime to watch it! he he