Monday, June 22, 2009

A Day of First's

Leah has enough hair to wear clippies! We'll see how long it stays in...
Rhett wore big boy pants into town to the grocery store with no accidents! He even used the toilet at Wal-Mart (this is more than we can say for his mom, public bathrooms, yuck!)
And perhaps the biggest news of all...
Ben got me a "just because" card today. He even wrote some nice things in it! He left it for me on my pillow before he left for work. Sneaky!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Giddy up!

My cowboy grandpa is turning 80 in a few weeks. He is still riding pens at a feed yard everyday and competing in team roping competitions. He's amazing! My cousin Tara is working on a scrapbook for him with pictures of all the great-grandkids (6 boys and 6 girls) and was wanting some cowboy -themed pictures. I think Tara has more hours in her day or I am lazy...
Leah doesn't have any cowgirl wear yet, other than the hat. So we were without any "wear" at all!
Rhett got a new cowboy hat at the Crazy House in Garden City last week. Great-grandma made the neck scarf for him for Christmas. He's wearing it just like Papa Don does in the winter.

Zoo trip

My college girlfriend, Kellie, and her son met us at the zoo on Monday. Thankfully Kellie's sister came too. The extra pair of hands made a big difference on the enjoyment of all
Rhett and his buddy Blake at the new tiger exhibit. We hadn't seen the tigers yet and were very impressed. The boys even got to see one of them jump into the water to cool off.
The first time Rhett fed the goats he was a little hesitant. This time he was all in! I don't think there's anyway those goats are starving but they would jump through that fence if they could.

Our vacation out west

We spent most of last week in southwest Kansas. We went to stay with Great Grandma and Papa Don and then on to a family reunion for my Grandma's family.
This is Papa Don with Lucy and Leah. They were born only 5 days apart. Lucy belongs to my cousin Tara.
Leah enjoyed crawling around a new place. She even began cruising the furniture at Great Grandma's house.
Rhett loved to play with Papa Don's black kitty and mama kitty. Black Kitty was so patient with Rhett and let him carry him around by his neck. Mama kitty was a little to fast for him. She did jump out from a bush once at him and scared him back onto his rear. Papa Don thought we should bring black kitty home. No thanks!

Are we training Rhett or Mommy?

Sorry if you are visiting and there's no toilet paper on the roll. We've had to move it out of reach.
Big boys are so cute!
We are wearing pull-ups most of the time but if we are going to be home for awhile we put on big boy pants. He has told us several times that he needs to go, but we are mostly just taking him on a regular schedule. He's doing a pretty good job, doing the potty dance more times a day than not.

Swim time

Rhett is becoming more brave in the water. This was taken right after he bent over and put his hair in the swimming pool so the water is running down his face. In the bathtub he will lie on his back to let you wash is hair.
It's a good thing Leah doesn't mind being splashed by her big brother. She also likes the misting sprinkler I got this year.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Does anybody know the potty dance?

Well, we do!  We started potty training with Rhett yesterday.  He went twice yesterday and 3 times today.  We still had a few accidents, but the big news is that he wore a pull-up into Wichita for dinner with family tonight and was still dry when we got home.  Then he peed and POOPED in the potty!!!  I went crazy!  I couldn't stop doing the potty dance.  Ben and Uncle Josh, who was lucky enough to be here for the first poop, couldn't stop making fun of me.  Rhett looked into the potty and said, "what's that?"  He didn't care so much for the potty dance as he did for the 10 smarties he got for pooping in the potty.  I took a picture, but don't worry, I won't post it.  It's only for Rhett's baby book.  Maybe I did go a little over board...