Thank Goodness It's Spring! We have been enjoying the warmer weather the last few days. Rhett has been busy playing with some of his birthday and Christmas presents. He thinks is golf clubs are bats, loves to ride his bike (even go "off-roading" in the grass and rocks), and take wagon rides with Leah.
Today there was enough wind to fly his new Elmo kite. He has gotten in the habit of wearing a cap outside. He won't go out without it and makes sure Daddy is wearing one too. He wanted to wear his hat to church today. So we've been working on hat etiquette.
Both kids had check-ups this week and are doing fine with the exception of allergies. Rhett weighs 28 lbs and is 35 inches tall (57th and 65th percentiles). Leah weighs 13.3 lbs and is 25 inches long (6th and 27th percentiles).