Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

While the kids were napping, Ben & I watched the KU/K-State game.  Josh came over for the second half and stayed for our romantic Valentine's dinner of Sloppy Joe's.  Rhett sure does love Uncle Dosh.  He enjoyed having Josh around for bedtime stories and bath time.  Leah wore her Valentine dress to church on Sunday.  She's such a happy girl.  Lots of love in our house these days!

Pump It Up!

Rhett was invited to our friend Wesley's 5th birthday party at Pump It Up! on Saturday.  As you can see he thoroughly enjoyed it.  Mom and Dad enjoyed the big slide too.  The party wore everyone out.  Rhett napped that afternoon from 1:30 to almost 5:00.  Leah went down about 3:00 and I had to wake her up at 6:00.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another first...

Rhett had another "first" today at Joni's.  I have told her before that if Rhett or Leah does something for the first time at her house, not to tell me about it.  That way I don't feel like I am missing out on anything.  In this case, I'm glad she called.  Yes, Joni had to call me at work today.  She never does that so I knew it was important.
Rhett was helping pick up toys before lunch (no, this is not the first I am writing about!).  He tripped on a block and split his head open on the coffee table.  She said it bled quite a bit so I am glad I wasn't there for this "first."  She rinsed his head under the shower and put a butterfly band-aid on it.  Of course this is the day I work in Rose Hill, the farthest of my buildings from Potwin so it took me 45 minutes to get there.  He was running around like a wild man.
I called the pediatrician and got in right away with a new Dr. in the practice.  She used to be an ER doc so although I had never met her, I knew she had seen this a thousand times.  Because it was such a clean cut, she was able to glue it shut and not do stitches.  He cried but the tears stopped pretty quick once she pulled out the Smarties.  He told her, "I tuff," and we walked out the door.
After his nap we went outside to play since the weather was so nice.  I suggested he ride his new trike.  Daddy didn't think this was a good idea, but Rhett wanted to so he did.  It turned out Daddy was right.  Rhett fell trying to get on once and scraped his cheek.  Poor guy.  He must have his mother's coordination.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Just what we do

Here's a typical weekend at our place.
Saturday afternoon naps on the couch.
And Coach watching film.
Rhett likes to watch his DVDs on the laptop so I think he thought Daddy was watching a movie.  But once he crawled up on Daddy's lap, he said, "Game?" and stayed and watched for a while.  Coaching must be in the blood.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rhett's Antics

Boys will be boys, they say.  Here is what Rhett has been up to this week.  Ben was on the phone and I was cooking supper one night when Ben said, "Um, Momma..."  I looked up to see Rhett had positioned himself in Leah's swing with his blankie and George.  Doesn't he look comfy?

Rhett's timeout spot is the rug by the front door.  Ben put down one of his flannel shirts in front of the door to block any drafts.  I don't remember what Rhett did, but while I was nursing Leah he earned a timeout.  I told him to go sit down and wait for me to come get him.  He trots over and sits down, out of my vision from the rocking chair.  When I get up to get him, I find him sitting still as a stone under Ben's shirt.  Of course I have to snap a picture before finishing up the timeout routine (a kiss and "Sorry, Momma).


We've been working on rice cereal for the past week or so.  This is her first experience with it.  She actually swallowed some I think.  Yesterday she did a good job opening her mouth when the spoon came up and didn't immediately stick her tongue out.  She ate what I made for her so I made a little more and she ate that too.  Her tummy is still getting used to it.  She has been a little gassy after eating (handy for Dad, he can blame the noise on her).  She is laughing and talking a lot now.  Rare is the quiet moment at our house.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cousins, cousins, & more cousins!

Luke Mason arrived safely today without any complications.  Edee and Luke are both doing fine, Justin too!  When Edee called, big brother Nate had not been to visit yet.  I am anxious to hear about this and see pictures of him loving on Luke.  Luke weighed 7 lb 12 oz and was 19.5 in long.  He had been breech until a few weeks ago when a perinatologist flipped him.  Edee had been going in twice a week for monitoring.  We are all glad he is finally here so we can love on him.  Now we get to wait for 2 more cousins to come!
Cory and Derek are due August 9.  Yesterday Jobi and Rachelle told us they are also expecting in August (the 22nd).  Yeah!  Big Papa (Rixey) said he won't be able to remember all the grandkids' names before too long (this will be his 5th).

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Well, he's made it a third of the way.  Ben is 33 and 1/3 years old today.  One-third of the way to 100.  And he might actually make it there.  
Ben had several tests a few weeks ago (fasting blood work, ECG, heart sono, CT scan of head, and treadmill test) because he has a had a few blackouts while coaching.  He's never passed out completely, but lost vision and some strength in his legs.  So with his family history of heart attacks and his history of concussions, the Dr. ordered almost every test he could think of.  All the tests came back "normal" with no explanation for his blackouts.  His resting heart rate is 50 and his cholesterol is 128... disgustingly low.  The Dr. told him to eat more before games; it might be low blood sugar.  Ben said, "I never thought someone would have to tell me to eat MORE!"
Brother Josh recommended Ben have a colonoscopy, just in case...