Today was Rhett's first day at his new pre-school. He is a peer model at one of the early childhood programs where I work. He was so excited all morning (and for the last 5 days or so).
He kept asking when we were leaving for school. He'd really like to ride the bus, but that's not an option this year. We went on our usual Monday morning shopping trip, he said, "Mom, just go by Wal-Mart and take me to school." Trouble was, we weren't even in the same town as his school.
I continued to explain to him that after he ate lunch and Kaylei got here to watch Leah & Trey, we would leave for school. He only ate half his lunch and then said he was done and ready to go to school. He was kind enough to put off leaving for a few pictures.

The apple with the glare on it... that's Rhett's :)

He walked right in, hung up his backpack and went right to the trains. He found these quickly last week at Meet the Teacher night. I had given him a job to make a new friend and learn their name. As soon as he came out the door when I picked him up, he said, "I made a new friend! His name is Luke. But not my cousin Luke."

The only disappointments were that he sat on the letter Y on the rug and he wanted the R. And then his teacher told me he asked what bus he rode home and looked disappointed when she said I was picking him up. I think there is a field trip in October when he'll get to ride a bus. This kid loves school buses!
Here's to a great year, Rhett!