Monday, August 16, 2010


Sorry I have been MIA the last few months. We are feeling settled in at the new place, but are still painting. Bedrooms, sunroom, and kitchen are done. We are now working on priming and painting the paneling in our large great room. We are so pleased with how things are turning out. My grandma hinted that she wanted us to host Fisher Christmas this year so now there is a deadline for some of our projects. Better get to work!

Our internet out in the country is a little slow, so I haven't been uploading pictures. SORRY! But now that I am back to work (don't tell the boss!) I have uploaded 2 new albums to our Shutterfly Share site. Go and check them out!

Don't expect any commentary on those photos. Just ask if you have any questions. Maybe I can start fresh now and TRY to keep up.