I can already hear Ben's stories about this snowstorm grow...
We were supposed to travel from Sabetha to Manhattan on Christmas day, but it started snowing on Christmas Eve and didn't let up until the 26th. Combine that with 40 mph winds and we weren't able to get out of the driveway! Ben, his brothers, and brother-in-law worked all morning on the 26th: digging cars out, scooping the drive, and even scooping the gravel road his parents live on. With the help of a neighbor on a Bobcat, we were finally able to get through about noon that day. The drive to Manhattan wasn't too bad (they only had about 6 inches of snow to our 12-15). There was a few places on Hwy 99 that were down to one lane because the west lane was covered in a 6 ft snow drift.