Saturday, August 22, 2009


We can't believe Leah is 11 months old already. She's still petite but she's tough. She's started to walk and doesn't let anything get in her way. She continues to be happy and laid back but is beginning to let us know when she isn't getting her way.
Leah gives wet kisses and tight squeezes. Since Ben went back to work, she has been missing him during the day. When Daddy gets home from work, all Leah wants to do is sit on his lap or be carried around by him. Daddy hates this...
This photo was taken for her birthday invitation. I just can't believe she will be one soon. Isn't she adorable?! She has 6 teeth. She looked like a vampire all summer since both her top side teeth came in before her front teeth. Now the front 2 are coming in and I think the bottom side teeth aren't too far off.


Rhett plays hard and rests hard. He went through a 2 week period this summer of 4+ hour naps. We are in the process of turning the basement bedroom into a big boy room for him. Naps have been more successful in separate rooms lately.
Potty training is going pretty good. He wears big boy underwear and keeps them dry most days. He doesn't tell you when he needs to go but does stay dry until you take him. Number 2 has been more of a struggle but just in the last few days we have made some progress. He gets to go for a ride in Daddy's truck over the train tracks if he goes poop in the toilet, a special treat.
Rhett is a talker! I think he was talking to Big Papa and Grandma Sauce this day. Favorite new phrases are "whatever" and "just Rhett" (when you call him anything other than Rhett).

And we're back...

Sorry we have been absent for a while (my mom reminded me last night that my last post was June 22). Here's what we've been up to:

Wes and waiting...
Baby cousin Wes was born a week early on July 31, to Cory and Derek. He's so sweet. Now we are waiting on another baby boy cousin to arrive ANY DAY from Jobi and Rachelle.

We had cousins Drew and Tyler over for a back to school water slide.

Ben went back to work on August 10. First day of school pictures now include kids instead of backbacks.
It's never too early to start. The kids have been doing their reading lessons in preparation for the first day of school 2012 and 2014.